September 7, 2007

The Heart goes Rat-a-too-eeeeeeeeee

Am hopeless when it comes to the matter of *heart* and maybe that's coz I just love to be in love :-) It was not even 2 weeks that I got my heart back in single piece. Yup managed to join all the broken pieces caused due to Ash-Abhi wedding! and Thanks to the Fevicol (this time in the form of Steven Jones), I got my heart (in one piece) back.

Who ever is wondering how Steven Jones came into the picture, must watch some of his presentation or product launch speeches, or just go to the You Tube site and look for the video where he urged graduates of Stanford university to pursue their dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks—including death.

I never realized that I was in love with Steven.......not even when I found myself strolling into different malls of Singapore, and landed up buying only different designs and brands of the same BLACK color tops, tee's, and even shirts. It was difficult for my own eyes to believe how love can change my dressing sense. The whole of last two weeks, I wore a Blue Jeans and a Black top/tee (different black color tees ofcourse…in case you are frowning) to office and I was feeling just great about it all. But, alas!!! the happiness did not last for long... thanks to one of the inferior quality tee that I bought, which spoiled my only smart pair of blue jeans so much so that now its been labeled as a *BnB (Blue n Black) patched* jeans.. yet another heart broke :-(

My stars were good and thank God the depression didn’t last for long this time!! I guess I need to thank my manager as well, 'coz its she who cancelled the meeting at the last minute, and I got the chance to sneak out of office much before my usual time and landed up in the theatre to watch the Pixar production's Ratatouille..... and.. yup you guessed it right.. am in love again. This time its Remy... and I've already started dreaming of opening my own kitchen with my new lil heartthrob the champ chef Remy.

So, I highly recommend you all for NOT going to the theatre and watching this particular movie.. simply 'coz I dont like having competitor when it comes to the matter of my *heart* and if you still want to watch the movie.. then you got to wait for a while till I fall in love with someone else!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Sanju..this post reminded me of the HP balcony days, when i saw a pic of Abhishek on ur cell and u said as in matter-of-fact manner that he was ur sweetheart!!
Hilarious, witty, nostalgic!